PLC Training Systems - PLC Trainer - PLC Training
The strategy of our innovative and flexible PLC training systems is to give our customers a PLC trainer to start with immediately. The available sensors and actuators can be used to implement PLC training models immediately. The scope of delivery already includes a large number of sample PLC exercises from different disciplines and difficulty levels. Sample solutions for different programming environments round off our PLC automation systems.
Support in education and training in the field of automation technology and control engineering.
Another area of application is quality assurance during the development process.

All PLC trainers include exercises and sample solutions
Exercises in 3 levels of difficulty:
- Conveyor belt
- Level monitoring
- Lifting platform
- Control servo motor
- Door control parking garage
- over 30 tasks
Sample solutions for:
- Siemens Logo! 8
- Siemens S7-1200
- EATON easy E4
- EATON XC-300
- Controllino / Arduino
- KUNBUS RevPI /Raspberry PI
- more on request
Sample solutions as:
- Siemens Logo Soft
- SIMATIC TIA Portal Step7
- EATON easySoft (LD)
- Arduino
- more on request
Trainingsboards for small controls - ✓ Logo! - ✓ easyE4 - ✓ Controllino - ✓ S7-1200 - ✓ RevPI
NEW: now for SIMATIC S7-1200 or KUNBUS RevPI

Highlights - Trainingsboard:
- Learning cards visualize the tasks
- schematic connection of sensors and actuators
- simulates a functional PLC training task
- more than 30 training cards with task descriptions and solutions included
- Siemens Logo! 8, EATON easyE4, Controllino, SIMATIC S7-1200, KUNBUS RevPI
- 8 digital inputs
- 4 digital outputs
- 4 analog value transmitter
- 1 Pulse generator (2 Hz - 1000 Hz)
- Modularly expandable
Application field:
in school education and further education
- in vocational training and further education
- in college
- Chamber of Industry and Commerce exam preparation
- Induction training for new fields of activity (e.g. Smart Home applications )
NOTE: CONTROLLINO is an industry-standard PLC with 100% Arduino compatibility. The Controllino Trainingsboard is therefore also suitable for Arduino programming!
Lab4PLC - PLC manufacturer independent training system
Highlights - PLC training system:
- From the PLC task to the solution ◄ more ►
- Visualize the task
- Place Sensors & Actuators
- Test PLC program
- Exercise model flexibly changeable
- own/any exercise models easy to implement ◄ more ►
- Sensors and actuators already included in SET
- Can be used on a whiteboard and/or workplace
- professional PLC training system
- quick and easy familiarisation
Features PLC Trainer:
- PLC manufacturer-independent ◄ more ►
- industry-independent, application-independent ◄ more ►
- flexible and modular expandable PLC training system
- Master-Slave, Industrie 4.0, IoT, Smart Home ready
Application fields: ◄ more ►
- in school education and further education
- in vocational training and further education
- in college
- in the training center
- in your profession (visualization/realization of customer requirements)
You determine the limits of application possibilities!
✓ EATON easy E4
✓ training model
✓ Controllino
✓ Arduino education
✓ Profession, vocational training
✓ Siemens Logo! / Logo! 8
✓ training system
✓ education
✓ PLC training system
✓ PLC Training
✓ Kunbus RevPI
✓ EATON XC-300
✓ Lab4PLC trainer
✓ Control technology
✓ Logo! 8 Trainer
✓ Logo-Trainingsboard
✓ Automation technology
✓ easy-Trainingsboard
✓ Training system
✓ PLC Trainer