Betriebsurlaub vom 13.09.2024 bis 1.10.2024. Alle Lieferungen verschieben sich um diesen Zeitraum, vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.
Company vacation from 13.09.2024 til 1.10.2024. All deliveries will be postponed for this period, thank you for your understanding.

The following sensors and actuators are already included in the Lab4PLC products:

SPS Trainer und Schulungssystem, SPS Hersteller unabhängig verwendbar, Produkte im Shop

Contents - The sensors and actuators:

◄ Sensors ►   ​◄ Actuators ►

 Sensors for the PLC Trainer Lab4PLC

The following sensors are included in the Lab4PLC products. With these sensors, all required functions can be realized in PLC exercise models. 

 Switch (digital)
 • Push-button or latching function
 • Function adjustable as normally open or normally closed
 • Visualization of the signal status via LED
 • Use the digital Switch as:
   - ​Selection, light barrier, emergency stop, float switch,...

 Value (Analog value transmitter)
 • Voltage setting for analog values
 • Analog value depends on selected voltage range
   (0-10 Volt or 0 to operating voltage)
 • Use the analog Value as:
   - ​Temperature, flow rate,...


 Actuators for the PLC Trainer Lab4PLC

The following actuators are included in the Lab4PLC products. With these actuators, all required functions can be realized in PLC exercise models. 
 LED signaling (digital)
 • Signalisation of a signal status via LED
 • Use the digital LED as:
   - Function signals or operating states

 Display (analog value display)
 • Voltage display for analog value
 • 0.0 to 24.0 Volt, 3 digits
 • Use the analog Display as:
   - ​Speed, valve position,... 


Please call us if you have any questions regarding the use of sensors and actuators. 


Further topics about PLC Trainer - Lab4PLC: