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A PLC training using the example of the PLC training model Level monitoring - Howto

SPS Trainer und Schulungssystem, SPS Hersteller unabhängig verwendbar, Produkte im Shop

Table of Contents: Example PLC exercise model "Fill level monitoring"

Sample task description ►   Realization of a PLC training task    List of sample PLC exercises 


Task description: Level monitoring

The example of a filling level monitoring shows how simple and flexible the realization of a PLC exercise with the Lab4PLC SPS Trainer is. 

Task: A tank is to be filled with a pump. If the volume of the liquid in the tank falls below 10%, filling with the pump starts automatically. If the tank is full (100%), the pump is switched off.

Task extension 1: The fill level 80% is to be recorded additionally.

Task extension 2: The power of the pump should be changeable.


I .5 Input, switch - Tank sensor <10%
I .6 Input, switch - Tank sensor 80%
I .7 Input, switch - sensor tank 100%
AI .1 Input, analog value transmitter - Sensor Selection Pump power
Q .0 Output, LED - actuator visualizes pump operation
AQ .1 Output, analog value display - Actuator Display Pump power

Realization of a PLC training task "level monitoring"

The whiteboard can be used to visualize the task as a whole or in parts schematically or in detail. The desired training model is created according to requirements and requirements.

The magnetically adhesive sensors and actuators can be placed on the whiteboard as required. The inputs and outputs on the PLC control can be flexibly selected.

PLC exercise model can be extended and/or modified as needed

Changes or extensions of the PLC exercise model in function and scope can be flexibly displayed.
Missing functions, sensors or actuators can easily be retrofitted.S
See Task Extension 1 and 2:

Task extension 1 of the PLC exercise model

Example: additional detection of the filling level 80%.

Task extension 2 of the PLC exercise model

Example: additional power control of the pump


 List of sample PLC exercises (included in the scope of delivery)

The following PLC exercises are included in all Lab4PLC sets as example exercises. The exercises are divided into 3 levels of difficulty.
However, it is also possible to realize tasks from vocational school lessons, CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE examination preparation, a training course, a training course or from one's own area of application. Master/Slave, Smart-Home, IoT or Industrie4.0 applications can also be implemented.
We would be pleased to support you in creating your own PLC exercises. Just give us a call.   

List of example PLC exercises:

PLC Tasks Level 100 (Suitable for beginners)
T 100: AND, OR, NOT
T 102: Flip Flop, Surge Relay
T 103: Switch on-off delay
T 104: Pulse generator
T 105: Cross circuit
T 106: Logical connection

PLC Tasks Level 200 (Basic)
T 200: Nurse call
T 201: Corridor light
T 202: Lifting ramp
T 203: Direction of rotation
T 204: Star triangle circuit
T 205: Level monitoring
T 206: Level monitoring 2
T 207: Logo Display
T 208: Analog value on display
T 209: Control Servo Motor
T 210: Pulse duration modulation
T 211: Escalator

PLC Tasks Level 300 (Fortgeschritten)
T 300: Car park
T 301: Running light
T 302: Counter
T 303: Crane
T 304: Assembly line
T 305: Parking garage
T 306: Empties automat
T 307: Heating
T 308: Heating living room
T 309: Heating house
T 310: Awning control


Further topics about PLC Trainer- Lab4PLC: